Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement

Our vision is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have equality of opportunity to lead, deliver and experience the highest standard of skin health and dermatology care.


To achieve this, we will use our skills and resources in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to increase the number of First Nations dermatologists, improve access to culturally safe dermatology care and foster reconciliation.

Here you can find out more about College’s initiatives with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to improve equality of opportunity and skin health.


Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee began in 2008. The Committee provides oversight, advice and supports implementation of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and workforce strategy. Reporting directly to the College Board, it also oversees the development and implementation of College’s reconciliation action plans.

Our committee members are also a great source of information and advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students and graduates considering a career in dermatology. If you are considering specialising in dermatology, email enquiries@dermcoll.edu.au and we’ll be pleased to put you in touch.


Dr Erin McMeniman

Fellow of ACD, Committee Co-Chair

Dr Dana Slape

Fellow of ACD, Committee Co-Chair

Dr Clare Tait

Fellow, ACD President

Dr Tom Barrett

Fellow of ACD

Dr Jennifer Cahill

Fellow of ACD

Dr Claire Grills

Fellow of ACD

Dr Ian McCrossin

Fellow of ACD

A/Prof Rob Miller

Fellow of ACD

Dr Bernadette Ricciardo

Fellow of ACD

Dr Artiene Tatian

Fellow of ACD

Dr Crystal Williams

Fellow of ACD 

Dr Li-Chuen Wong

Fellow of ACD

Who we work with

Australian Indigenous Doctors Association

AIDA contributes to equitable health and life outcomes, and the cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They do this by striving to reach population parity of Indigenous medical students and doctors and supporting a culturally safe healthcare system.

The LIME Network

The LIME Network is a dynamic network dedicated to ensuring the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning of Indigenous health in medical education, as well as best practice in the recruitment and retention of Indigenous medical students and trainees.