The Australasian College of Dermatologists works in collaboration and partnership to deliver and promote campaigns and resources aimed at raising community awareness, supporting timely access to care, shared decision-making and improved skin health outcomes.  

World Skin Health Day

Each year since 2018, the Australasian College of Dermatologists has participated in World Skin Health Day. World Skin Health Day is a joint project of International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and the International Society of Dermatology (ISD) and aims to recognise and promote skin health around the world. 

Our annual campaigns showcase the diversity of skin diseases in Australia, highlight the psychosocial impacts of living with skin, hair and nail conditions and call for investment to ensure all Australians with skin, hair and nail conditions can access the timely, appropriate care they need.

Collaboration with patient support groups and a range of organisations and individuals has been key to the successful development and promotion of our campaign messages and resources.

In 2024, we held a Patient Support Group Roundtable to discuss challenges and solutions for those impacted by skin, hair and nail conditions. 

View our media release

In 2023, we launched our 7 Days of Skin Health campaign with top tips from Australian dermatologists on how to keep your skin, hair and nails healthy.  

View our 2023 campaign 

In 2022, we launched our Caring for the Skin You’re In community language podcasts in partnership with Speak My Language (Disability) to encourage Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to seek help for chronic skin, hair and nail conditions.   

View our 2022 campaign 

In 2021, we launched our Help, helps videos and resource hub to encourage and empower the many Australians living with chronic skin, hair and nail conditions to seek help and to raise broader awareness of the impact of these conditions.

View our 2021 campaign

In 2020, in launching our Your dermatology telehealth appointment: A five-step guide, we reminded Australians that when it comes to telehealth appointments, it’s OK to ask questions. Asking questions will help you get the best possible care and support. 

View our 2020 campaign 

In 2019, we examined the impact of chronic skin, hair and nail conditions from patients’ perspectives, the psychosocial impacts in the form of stigma and discrimination, and challenges with access with the launch of our report: 

More than skin deep: Skin diseases in Australia – navigating the healthcare system

In 2018, we launched an online social media campaign with a theme “Understand” to promote unique experiences of patients and help build a connection between dermatologists and patients. 

View the campaign images here

Quality Use of Medicines Alliance – Improving Management of Eczema

The impact of eczema on individuals and their families is substantial. Beyond the physical symptoms, eczema also brings psychosocial burdens that reduce wellbeing and quality of life. 

The Australasian College of Dermatologists is an affiliate partner for the Quality Use of Medicines Alliance’s Eczema Program, funded by the Australian Government, which aims to improve management of eczema.

Working with consumers and medical experts, a range of evidence-informed education interventions and resources have been developed for health professionals to support improved quality use of eczema medicines and treatment strategies available via the Alliance’s QHub. These include an Eczema Management Algorithm and Care Plan developed in collaboration with and endorsed by the College. 

Resources for consumers include the Eczema Care Online toolkit which is available on the Eczema Support Australia website having been adapted for the Australian community and endorsed by the College.


NPS MedicineWise and the Targeted Therapies Alliance

Biologics and other specialised medicines have made a significant improvement in the management of chronic diseases including a number of dermatological conditions like plaque psoriasis. However, these medicines are complex for consumers, specialists and pharmacists to navigate.

In 2021, the Australasian College of Dermatologists and patient support group, Psoriasis Australia, worked closely with the Targeted Therapies Alliance on a program, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, to optimise the safety and health outcomes of biological and other specialised medicines for plaque psoriasis.

The Alliance also developed useful resources for health professionals and patients explaining biologics, their biosimilars and their role in supporting PBS sustainability.

Cancer Council Australia – National Skin Cancer Action Week

For a number of years, Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists have come together for National Skin Cancer Action Week  to remind Australians to use sun protection and promote early skin cancer detection.

National Skin Cancer Action Week highlights that we need to do more to promote sun protection.

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, including melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Currently around two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70 and around 2,000 people die from this disease every year. However, more than 95% of skin cancer cases are caused by unprotected exposure to UV radiation from the sun, meaning it is a nearly entirely preventable cancer.

Stay SunSmart

By using sun protection and preventing sunburn and skin damage you are reducing your risk of skin cancer – including potentially deadly melanoma. Sun protection is recommended whenever UV levels reach 3 or higher

Healthdirect Australia

The Australasian College of Dermatologists is an information partner with Healthdirect Australia, a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice by phone and on its website. 

Healthdirect Australia’s website links to ACD’s A-Z of Skin resource, our Find a Dermatologist tool, Help, helps resource hub and our other Community webpages.


Choosing Wisely Australia

The Australasian College of Dermatologists is a member of the Choosing Wisely Australia initiative that promotes a national dialogue on tests, treatments and procedures where evidence shows they provide no benefit, or in some cases, lead to harm and to question the notion ‘more is always better’.

Australia’s peak health professional colleges, societies and associations have developed lists of evidence-based recommendations of the tests, treatment and procedures that healthcare providers and consumers should question.

Choosing Wisely Australia

ACD has published eight Choosing Wisely recommendations – on leg cellulitis, epidermal cysts, urticaria, distorted toenails, acne and on systemic non-sedating antihistamines and topical corticosteroids, and we have continued to promote Choosing Wisely Australia’s key consumer resource – 5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider about tests, treatments and procedures.



Media and community engagement

As the leading authority in Australia for dermatology, we regularly provide expert advice and commentary to the media on skin health and dermatological practice.

A number of our Fellows participate in community engagement activities by acting as advocates including engaging with their local communities, presenting at conferences, community and patient support group events, responding to media enquiries and helping to promote understanding of skin health through social media. They also provide valuable insights on how College can meet community needs.