
World Skin Health Day

Each year the Australasian College of Dermatologists celebrates World Skin Health Day to showcase the diversity of skin diseases in Australia and highlight the psychosocial impacts of living with skin, hair and nail conditions. 

World Skin Health Day aims to recognise and promote skin health around the world and is a joint project of International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and the International Society of Dermatology (ISD). 

We celebrated our most recent World Skin Health Day on 14 October 2020. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see our previous years’ campaigns.


World Skin Health Day 2020 – Telehealth

In 2020, the significant and unprecedented challenges presented by COVID-19 have demanded a new, integrated and innovative approach to care.

Dermatology appointments by video or phone, known as telehealth, are a safe way for patients to receive convenient and ongoing care. They have played an important role alongside traditional face-to-face consultations in 2020, to ensure continuity of care and access to support throughout the pandemic.

This World Skin Health Day, The Australasian College of Dermatologists is launching a new resource, Your dermatology telehealth appointment: A five-step guide to help Australians navigate how they access specialist dermatologist care in a new way in the new normal, with tips on how to prepare to get the most out of their appointment.

In launching the guide, we are reminding Australians that when it comes to telehealth appointments

    • It’s OK to ask questions. Like any medical appointments, it is your appointment and your time.
    • You always have a right to ask questions about your skin, your health and any treatments you may be offered.
    • Asking questions will help you get the best possible care and support.

We are grateful to the many individuals who have shared with us their experiences of having their dermatology appointment by phone or video chat. Read their stories below.

View our campaign toolkit to help spread the message.

View our media release.


Your dermatology telehealth appointment: A five step guide

Our new guide steps you through how to make your appointment, what to think about, what to expect and how to prepare. It includes tips on questions to ask. You can use the editable notes page to write down important information and next steps.



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The guide also includes links to support groups for patients with dermatological conditions. Patient support groups provide practical and emotional support to people with skin conditions, their carers and their families. They work to ensure the voices of patients are heard and understood.

We would like to thank Consumers Health Forum of Australia and Choosing Wisely Australia® for their assistance in the development of this guide.



Your stories and experiences


My son Billy suffers from a very rare and debilitating skin condition called Epidermolysis Bulossa (EB) that requires daily dressings and medications.

We had our first telehealth appointment in August in which we were able to see all of Billy’s team via an iPad. It was so helpful knowing that we still had the support and comfort from our own home. Billy especially liked it as he didn't have to sit for an hour and a half in the car to the hospital!

Rebecca & Billy
Epidermolysis Bulossa

Seeing my dermatologist can be challenging because I have kids at home and school, so it can be hard to make appointments that don't clash with pickups and drop offs.

The telehealth experience was excellent for me; booked an appointment, received a phone call, and I didn’t have to travel. It could be done at any time during the day. Even with the script, it was posted it out for me.
Parent of two children. Psoriasis

I have had psoriasis since I was 7 years old and have gone through a long journey to keep it under control through various treatments prescribed by my skin specialist.

I found telehealth to be a really smooth process. Getting to know my dermatologist in person at my first appointment made me more comfortable to have a follow up appointment with him through telehealth; from the convenience of my home and with a doctor I can trust. 

28 years old. Psoriasis
The convenience and COVID-19 safe aspect of telehealth was appealing to me. Telehealth also gives you the option where they can see your skin, so I wouldn’t mind the option for a first appointment or follow-up.
28 years old. Psoriasis
I have experienced chronic eczema from the age of 2 or 3 and it affected every part of my life; work life, choices I made, and partners. 

Finding the right dermatologist that I connect with is really important to me, and I found that doctor in Canberra. The opportunity to continue to have every second appointment via telehealth to manage my condition, reducing the frequency of those long round trips to Canberra, has been huge for me. 
47 years old. Chronic eczema

It’s not too late to share your story. 

Your stories will help us understand how we can best support dermatologists and patients with telehealth in the future. You can submit your stories, by filling out the form at the link below.


By submitting your pictures, stories, and quotes you consent to us using, editing and publishing them (which may contain your image or that of your family and friends) in any of our publications and materials (including written, electronic or multimedia materials) for distribution anywhere in the world.

Please note the Australasian College of Dermatologists is the peak body responsible for the training and continuing professional development of medical practitioners in the specialty of dermatology. The College does not provide referrals to dermatologists, individual medical advice or consultation to patients.

Get involved – campaign toolkit

The Australasian College of Dermatologists seeks to empower Australians to access specialist care when it is needed. We are committed to informing our community about dermatologists and the conditions they treat.

To help spread the message of World Skin Health Day 2020, see our:

Media release


Social media campaign toolkit


Previous World Skin Health Days

Each year College celebrates World Skin Health Day to showcase the diversity of skin diseases in Australia and highlight the psychosocial impacts of living with skin, hair and nail conditions. We are grateful to all the patient support groups for working with us and ensuring the voices of patients are heard and understood. 


We examined the impact of chronic skin conditions from the patient perspective, their psychosocial impacts in the form of stigma and discrimination, and challenges with access with the launch of our report:

More than skin deep: Skin diseases in Australia –  navigating the healthcare system’


College launched an online social media compaign with a theme “Understand” to promote unique experiences of patients and help build a connection between dermatologists and patients.

To view campaign images, click here

Media Releases

For information, images, or to arrange an interview with a dermatologist, please contact:

Sarah Stedman
Marketing and Membership Manager
The Australasian College of Dermatologists
+61 2 8741 4150 | [email protected]